1 Posdoctora. Jefa de laboratorios Universidad La Salle Cancún. Universidad de Oriente Cancún. Cancún, México. E-mail: aida_uribe2003@yahoo.com ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7753-804X Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=es&user=46Pw5WUAAAAJ&gmla=AJsN-F6x8dZEGz3b895GSXZlDMyF63vyI13SbggYbRZB0KR0i27PysNr1E6o44Le2KZRV0F-yY5p60RiiE7d__XRl0OmHQhVntrSdsj4LTkb4e7oADetby1mPbEPmuNRyJZ-TQ2PfLlC1ZJjSbD2G7oq4lFDcnScc4ccw-MmiE0YX0aD1tJ7iF8

2 Maestra. Estudiante de la Maestría en Desarrollo Pedagógico. Universidad de Oriente Cancún. Cancún, México. E-mail: caroherreraa24@gmail.com ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5122-8641 Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ddNtd-cAAAAJ&hl=es


Septiembre-diciembre - Año 18 - Núm. 55 - 2020




Recepción: 17-Mayo-2020

Aceptación: 25-Julio-2020

Pág. 13-16

E-learning advantages for college students of the z generation

Ventajas del e-learning para estudiantes universitarios

de la generación z


The way of learning is constantly changing, nowadays is common to listen that someone we know is studying something online, now E-learning has taken power in the education industry allowing people to be taught, by the technology that surrounds them, what they want to learn, or even making possible, to people who wasn’t able to go to school, to get the education they need.

Key words: E-learning, education, technology, system.


Las formas de aprender están constantemente cambiando, hoy en día es común escuchar que alguien que conocemos está estudiando algo en línea, E-learning ha tomado el poder en la industria de la educación permitiendo que la gente sea enseñada, por la tecnología que los rodea, lo que quieren aprender, o incluso haciendo posible que la gente que no deba ir a la escuela pero que sí obtenga la educación que necesita.

Palabras clave: Aprendizaje en línea, educación, tecnología, sistema.


Uribe Medina1

Estefany Carolina

Herrera Arzate2




E-learning is a system that includes learning thoughted internet, it can be in the bar, at the cafeteria, in the cafe, even at home, it can be by a computer based educational tool or a system that enables you to learn anywhere and at any time, offering material equally as videos, documents, PDFs, having webinars the identical as online classes, where you are able to communicate with the teachers through forums, or emails.

This type of learning requires the student to has the ability of self-regulation, because it provides learners with a program that fits learning into their lifestyles, E-learning offers an alternative that is faster, cheaper and potentially better.

Long before the internet was launched, distance courses were being offered to provide students with education on particular subjects or skills. In the 1840’s Isaac Pitman taught his pupils shorthand via correspondence. The first MAC in the 1980’s enabled individuals to have computers in their homes, making it easier for them to learn about particular subjects and develop certain skill sets. Then, in the following decade, virtual learning environments began to truly thrive, with people gaining access to a wealth of online information and e-learning opportunities (Epignosis, 2014).

By 90s several schools use technology in order to make the most of the internet and bring education to people who wouldn’t have been able to attend school due to geographical or time constraints, it’s also made the education cheaper so the longdistance courses became available for more population.But... What can really bring us E-learning?

1. Advantages of E-learning

1. People is able to link the various resources.

2. The resources that are provided are in different formats providing with a lot more of information that a single teacher can give.

3. The resources are available from anywhere and at any time.

4. Everyone, even if they are working full time take advantage of web-based learning.

5. Web-based learning promotes active, self-regulation and independent learning.

6. Funnier classes when teachers are designing a course it can be interactive through the use of multimedia or the more recently developed methods of gamification.

7. As you have access to the net 24x7, people can train themselves anytime and from anywhere also.

8. It is a very convenient and flexible option; above all, people don’t have to depend on anyone for anything.

9. Not only can people train on a day to day basis, but also on weekends or whenever they have the free time to.

10. Through discussion boards and chats, people are able to interact with all their classmates.

11. The video instructions that are provided can be heard again and again if you do not happen to understand the topic first time around.

12. No boundaries or restrictions facilitates learning without having to organize when and where everyone who is interested in a course can be present.

Since the new generations are more focus in using their electronical devises, it is important to take advantage of it, some visual learners or the ones that need torepeat over and over again, are benefit with this type of learning process, E-learning responds to the different needs with the use of different tools and a variety of materials. The current generation is really from the kids who are “digital natives” who were born with an attachment to technology since they were exposed very young, that’s why it’s very easy for them to search and get informati on, they get bored easily so teachers or professors have to use computer-based games and activities that make them use their phones to connect with their classmates.

Generation Zers are socially inclined, to say the least and this can be used as an effective teaching tool. Teachers can plan projects that allow them to collaborate online, using tools such as blogging, digital media, and podcasting. This can even allow them the opportunity to communicate with students from around the world.

This is a generation that is more socially conscious than their predecessors. They’ve been bombarded with a world of problems since they can remember. They know that they’re the next group of people to step up and try to fix things. As a result, they’re more engaged in the world and want to make a difference. They’re quick to jump in and help on social media when a friend asks for support of a cause. As a result, they tend to be more interested in careers that will help society. For teachers, this could mean incorporating current issues into their curriculum (Martin, 2014).

In this way E-learning represents the present for them, most of all the Universities now develop programs that they can use comfortably, since those abilities were developed in their childhood, in the cellphones so students can be connected with each other just with a click.

E-learning is important for the present and the future of this generation and the followings, time by time face to face courses will be replace for webinars, brainstorm to forums, study groups to study at solo. But this change also allow them to grow mentally to be critical, having so much information at their fingertips, it is necessary to form a criterion that allows them to choose wisely what they need to know, how they need to know and when. This generation is making the teachers be more prepared, because students can check with a click if they know what they are talking about and answered quicker.

In the study “satisfaction level with web-enhanced teaching increased to 95% in the 2011–2012 investigation, compared to 73%-87% in the 2003–2004 one.” Shows results that indicated:

Students were highly satisfied with web-enhanced teaching in both investigations. Particularly, students in recent years were more satisfied with web-enhanced teaching than those in the past. Undergraduate and graduate students preferred different types of learning vehicles, in which undergraduates preferred interactive types. In addition, students expecting an A grade were more likely to prefer individual or independent learning vehicles whereas students expecting a B or C grade relied on interactive learning methods (Fresh Science News, 2015).



Students need to be prepared, need to get enough skills as they can while they are studying because the time they have to get the experience needed in the actual jobs is larger than the 6 months or a year at the internships and it can provided to them effectively with the benefit from the advantages e-learning is providing.



Epignosis LLC. (2014). E-Learning, Concepts, Trends, Applications. September 23º, from; Efrontlearning Sitio web: https://www.talentlms.com/wpcontent/uploads/2018/09/elearning-101-concept-trends-applications.pdf

Whitaker, K. (2015). Storyboarding Is A Total Waste Of Time. eLearning Industry. Capterra. (2019) “Top LMS Software”. Capterra.

Clover, I (2017). Advantages And Disadvantages Of eLearning. September 23º From e-Learning Industry Sitio web: https://elearningindustry.com/advantages-anddisadvantages-of-elearning

Martin, L. (2014). How Generation Z learns. September 23ª from Learning lift off: https://www.learningliftoff.com/generation-z-learns/

Fresh Science News. (2015). Importance and Effectiveness of E-learning. September 23ª from: https://higheredrevolution.com/importance-and-effectivenessof-e-learning-9513046ed46c